“It had been possible to preserve the control room from the Ågesta plant”, says Anna Storm on debate article regarding the dismantling of the Ågesta NPP
Anna Storm published a debate article regarding the dismantling of the small nuclear power plant from the 60s, Ågesta, in southern Stockholm. It is published in the widely spread paper “Ny Teknik” (New Technology). The article was followed by the response from the Swedish power company “Vattenfall” and A. Storm’s final statement.
The researcher is of the opinion that the Ågesta’s control room and probably other parts could have been preserved, if there had been the interest and the will. And this applies not only to Vattenfall, but also to the interest and willingness of the other actors responsible for contemporary cultural heritage.
Future generations need a physical environment, not just pictures and stories, to understand how the nuclear age has decisively shaped our society.
Debate article: https://www.nyteknik.se/opinion/agestaverket-en-unik-karnkraftsanlaggning-slangd-i-containrar-7035908
Response: https://www.nyteknik.se/opinion/vi-ar-skyldiga-att-montera-ned-agestaverket-7035985
Final statement: https://www.nyteknik.se/opinion/det-hade-varit-mojligt-att-behalla-kontrollrummet-fran-agestaverket-7036016